Dateline November 2021
The Halloween Event on 23 October 2021 was a resounding success. There’s something joyful about seeing children dressed up in their Halloween costumes running through the grass and climbing trees!
The raffle and tombola were supported by a plethora of local businesses, including Cork of the North, Leoni’s, Cakes of Bliss, Bernie’s Grocery Store Feed, Kafiene, B’Spoke Coffee, Galt Toys and Ash Hairdressers – thanks to all.
The children enjoyed following the ‘Monster Trail’ for clues to win a sweet treat prize and playing ‘Poke the Pumpkin’ and all enjoyed the monster cupcakes and drinks from the Pavilion.
Meanwhile, our own Mummy Monster made his way around the park, becoming like a Pied Piper in the process!